Lott Carey is a multicultural, ecumenical, global Christian missional community born of African-American Baptist heritage that provides prayer partnership, financial support and technical assistance to indigenous communities around the world who engage in ministries of evangelism, compassion, empowerment and advocacy.
The Black Ministerial Alliance provides spiritual nurture for clergy and advocacy and program services for all of Boston’s communities.
Convención is third largest gathering of Hispanic Baptists in the world and is affiliated with more than 1,000 congregations.
Urban Presbyterians Together is an alliance of nine churches with a total of 2,000 members in Rochester, NY. They represent both small and large racially diverse downtown churches with goals of encouraging high-quality schools for all; combating racism; improving police-community relations; and identifying other partners and financing to increase effectiveness in these ministries.
The Second Episcopal District of the AME Church is home to more than 1,200 associate ministers serving among 400 churches. Most are unpaid bi-vocational ministers, faithfully serving their churches out of commitment to the call on their lives and to the people they serve.
We know that you grapple with many difficult questions as a Christian leader. We want to help. Complex concerns about ministry can’t be fully addressed here, of course, but we provide a starting point for engaging the deep issues.
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