Delight Ministries, Nashville, Tenn.

Delight Ministries launches, grows and sustains Christ-centered women’s communities on college campuses across the country through a weekly study, monthly worship, community activities, service projects and one-on-one interpersonal connections. Delight Ministries has chapters on 80 university campuses and is on a steady growth pattern to be present on 150 universities by fall 2017.

Project title: The Delight Ministries’ Leadership Development and Expansion Project

Delight Ministries will equip and empower new leaders who will contribute to the growth of the organization and make a difference in their respective communities through investment in their leadership skills, and facilitating and executing an expanded summer leadership conference.

For more information about Leadership Development Grants, please email

Questions We Answer

We know that you grapple with many difficult questions as a Christian leader. We want to help. Complex concerns about ministry can’t be fully addressed here, of course, but we provide a starting point for engaging the deep issues.

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