The Open Table, Kansas City, Missouri

The Open Table is a 1,001 New Worshiping Community (PCUSA) whose mission is to bring rich and poor, black and white, young and old to the same table for the purpose of becoming a more reconciled Kansas City. Gatherings include shared meals and discussions about how the Christian faith informs why and how to engage in a number of pressing issues facing the community.

Project title: A Multiracial, Multicultural Future for Kansas City’s Faith Communities

The Open Table will educate and empower community leaders and members to organize, develop and facilitate a series of training sessions on racial reconciliation, which will then be used to assist other faith communities seeking to do this work in their specific context.

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Questions We Answer

We know that you grapple with many difficult questions as a Christian leader. We want to help. Complex concerns about ministry can’t be fully addressed here, of course, but we provide a starting point for engaging the deep issues.

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