The Second Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal Church via Turner Memorial AME Church, Hyattsville, Md.

The Second Episcopal District of the AME Church is home to more than 1,200 associate ministers serving among 400 churches. Most are unpaid bi-vocational ministers, faithfully serving their churches out of commitment to the call on their lives and to the people they serve. Turner Memorial AME Church is a prominent church in the district and is known, under the current leadership of the Rev. Daryl K. Kearney, as a leadership development incubator. 

Project title: Aaron’s Army Leadership Summit Series

Through the Leadership Development Grant, Turner Memorial endeavors to cultivate the leadership skills and nurture the ministry gifts of associate ministers serving throughout the Second Episcopal District. Goals for a Leadership Summit Series for associate ministers include enhancing their gifts and skills, equipping them to execute at new levels of ministry within their home churches, and inspiring them to reframe their own ministerial identity and perceptions through gatherings and mentoring circles.

For more information about Leadership Development Grants, please email

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