Capacity Building Grants improve or develop organizational capacities

Vibrant Christian institutions are committed to growing their organizational capacities and creating new ones. They are constantly developing current and potential leaders, strengthening infrastructure, assessing their principles and practices, expanding their networks and investing in ways to improve their work.

Capacity Building Grants offer Christian institutions resources to strengthen their current organizational capacities and build new ones. These grants are offered by invitation, in collaboration with select partners, in order to understand the capacities Christian institutions need to renew or build in order to strengthen and scale their work with churches and their leaders. An invited organization's proposal will highlight the organization’s strengths and name ways in which they plan to build, grow and improve on what is already happening in serving pastors and/or congregations.

This grant program is a vehicle for learning more about the opportunities and challenges facing Christian institutions as they serve pastors and/or congregations.  

Questions We Answer

We know that you grapple with many difficult questions as a Christian leader. We want to help. Complex concerns about ministry can’t be fully addressed here, of course, but we provide a starting point for engaging the deep issues.

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