Foundations of Christian Leadership brings together emerging leaders from a variety of faith-based organizations as colleagues in an encouraging and collaborative learning environment. The program includes two four-day, in-person gatherings.


We aim to create lasting change by strengthening the ecology of Christian institutions that enable U.S. congregations and pastors to flourish.  Why institutions?  Because thriving communities, to which all of our work points, need institutions because institutions allow practices to flourish.

Our call is, therefore, not to malign institutions or allow them to languish; rather we are called to serve and improve them and start new ones so they can be bearers of tradition, laboratories for learning and incubators of leadership.

We work with leaders – both clergy and lay – who serve Christian institutions.

Participants include individuals in a variety of roles who work in denominations, seminaries, church-related colleges, consultancies, pastors and associate pastors of large-membership congregations, Christian non-profit organizations, and lay leaders in a variety of contexts.

Read the stories of people who have used our services or taken part in our programs.

Foundations of Christian Leadership

The following are ideal candidates for the Foundations of Christian Leadership program: Individuals who have been in a leadership position in a Christian institution for fewer than five years, including those new to the work or with a recently expanded scope of responsibilities; or lay people who have been called to serve on a congregational staff and are seeking to apply their outside experience to a church. We also welcome applications from associate pastors who are members of multi-staff congregations.

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Leadership Education encourages innovation in Christian institutions with small grants that empower our constituents to experiment, develop the leadership among its staff and recognize ideas that could be useful to other organizations. We share what we are learning from grantees through Faith & Leadership and our programs.

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Faith & Leadership

This free, online magazine is available to anyone. Faith & Leadership aims to strengthen the practice of Christian leadership by offering a new language and way of thinking about your work and your  institution. It provides a variety of original content, drawing on multiple disciplines, that is free for all Christian leaders. You can sign up for one of our newsletters or connect via social media.

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Questions We Answer

We know that you grapple with many difficult questions as a Christian leader. We want to help. Complex concerns about ministry can’t be fully addressed here, of course, but we provide a starting point for engaging the deep issues.

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